Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Back to School Isn't Complete without a Dental Check-Up

Before Classes Start…

It’s almost that time again….the 2013/2014 Academic year is closely approaching!  Whether it’s the returning K-12 or college-bound, starting off the year on the right foot can set the tone for the entire year.  Make it a great start by ensuring your teeth and gums are healthy!

                Why are check-ups important?   Our hygiene visits & checkups are so much more than just a “cleaning” of your teeth and an oral cancer screening; it’s a full examination of your head & neck and how all the components work together.  Not only will this help you maintain a healthy smile, but also help identify and treat potential dental problems early before they become painful, more complicated, and often times more expensive to treat. 

                Dental pain is something no one should need to deal with, especially during the school year!  Share our pro-active approach, and give your student the best start possible!

A few simple yet helpful tips….

þ  “Be an informed consumer…read your labels:” Many popular sport and vitamin drinks contain not only high amounts of sugar (corn syrup, sucrose, etc), but can also be deceivingly acidic…both of which, especially combined can be detrimental to your teeth. 

þ  “Frequency, not necessarily quantity:”   With everything in moderation of course, consider downing your drink rather than sipping on it all day.  Diluting or rinsing your mouth with water after drinking those sugary &/or acidic drinks also helps minimize their negative effects on your teeth. 

þ  “Saliva is good:” Chewing gum helps stimulate saliva, which is a natural protector from cavities.  Just make sure the gum is sugar-free or contains xylitol, a sugar alcohol, which acts to sweeten the gum, yet helps prevent tooth decay.

þ  “Sports—play smart:” Did you know that sports-related injuries knock out 2 million teeth each year?   Make sure you or your student is best protected with a sports mouth-guard.